AV 2569 Variations (Released March 2023)
Sarah Beth Briggs has achieved an astonishing pianistic feat…the Brahms moves one to tears in this delicately felt mourning. Absolutely recommendable!
Online Merker
Sarah Beth Briggs’ rewarding programme of variations traces a path from Mozart to Brahms, finding plenty of contrast and insight along the way…Briggs navigates especially skilfully the early-Romantic storms of Mendelssohn’s Variations Sérieuses, giving them plenty of brilliance, lyricism and energy…Her playing is as attentive and detailed as her programming, convincingly creating a different atmosphere for each composer.
BBC Music Magazine
Sarah Beth Briggs’ exceptional CD of Variations
Rob Cowan
Lovely music, elegant playing
American Record Guide
Sarah Beth Briggs, a pupil of British pianist Denis Matthews, has assembled a program of variations that, despite its familiarity in choice of repertory, permits the artist a distinct panoply of keyboard hues and inflections that warrant attention…..once more we can savor the color Briggs elicits from her keyboard…played with a transparent relish by Briggs
…a programme casting a beguiling light on music both familiar and less so…I love it!
International Piano
AV2418 – The Austrian Connection (Released June 2020)
Lyricism and dance are the watchwords of Briggs’ beautifully prepared performances…a player at the height of her powers
Musical Opinion *****
Briggs’ interpretations can certainly bear comparison with any and her programme is unique and illuminating
Guy Rickards
Das furiose flüchtige Schlusspresto gibt noch einmal Gelegenheit, auf dieser ureigenen österreichischen Musikreise die Ohren ganz weit aufzusperren, die stilistische Bandbreite des Gebotenen zu bewundern als auch Danke zu sagen für diese schöne und wichtige musikalische Liebeserklärung der hervorragenden Sarah Beth Briggs an Hans Gál.
The final Presto, passionate and elusive, gives another opportunity to become all ears for this very Austrian musical journey, to marvel at the stylistic range of the programme offered, and to also say thank you for this beautiful and important musical declaration of love to Hans Gál by the outstanding pianist Sarah Beth Briggs.
Online Merkel
The opening movement of Schubert’s A major Piano Sonata (D664) is bewitching: shapely phrasing, sensitive touch, and attentively yet naturally dynamic. This is a lovely performance overall, soulful in the slow movement, frolicsome and feisty in the Finale.
Colin’s Column
…the sparkling clarity of Briggs’s performance
BBC Music Magazine ****
Briggs’ playing has all the prerequisite warmth and eloquence, and her phrasing is imaginative and characterful…The release gets my enthusiastic endorsement.
MusicWeb International
There is chiarscuro and drama aplenty here too, and once again, these emotional voltes faces are handled with an eloquent sensitivity… a varied and stimulating Austrian musical journey
AV2398 – Schumann and Brahms (Released January 2019)
The sequence is sublime, as is Briggs’ nuanced playing, fully alive to the gentle range of colours in the writing… 81 minutes of pianistic Heaven.
International Piano *****
Beautiful and deeply romantic performances by a pianist who cares above all for the musical substance and the emotional power of the compositions.
…quintessentially classical renditions which, however, can hardly be surpassed in terms of beauty and richness of colour.
Pizzicato, Luxembourg ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
The “poetry, passion, rapture and intimacy” that Clara found so potent in Brahms’s late piano music are perceptively quarried in these tasteful performances.
In both Papillons and Kinderszenen she proves a comparably unhurried, enviably discerning and keenly observant guide. This is a disc that will afford much pleasure
Classical Ear
…’her perfectly lovely Kinderszenen, played with style, tonal beauty and just the right amount of reticence which lends it a kind of childhood innocence. ‘
‘The Intermezzi are lovingly played…the Ballade and Romanze are handled about as well as any artist I have heard…A place in my collection is assured.
American Record Guide
The rendition is by turns tender, humorous, pompous, searching, frantic. The famous ‘Träumerei’ is handled with warmth, the gorgeous ‘Kind im Einschlummern’ utterly tender – a hugely enjoyable account. (Kinderszenen)
BBC Music Magazine
Sarah brings an exquisite intimacy, fluency and warmth to the late Brahms pieces, sensitively capturing their inherent poignancy and haunting tenderness with a refined dynamic palette, a glowing touch, supple rubato and a refreshing musical honesty.

SML MP49 – Debussy and Chopin (Released December 2014)
The detail, intelligence, freshness and spontaneity this pianist brings to these scores is a delight. These readings stand proud with some of the best.
Music Web International
delectably poised and memorably poetic…
Classical Ear
Born to play Debussy…
Yorkshire Post

SML MP35 – Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert (Released September 2013)
…she holds her own with many of the illustrious names on disc…a thrillingly exultant close…a notable tribute to three cornerstones of the classical Viennese repertoire.
These are performances of real stature, the pianism is first rate…wonderful subtlety of colour and shading…for clarity of execution, articulation, tone and pedalling – these performances are hard to fault.
International Record Review

SML MP28 – Beethoven, Haydn and Mozart – (Released June 2011)
EDITORS CHOICE – Classical Music Magazine, August 2011
…a five star feast…outstanding, splendidly phrased and very expressive…Beethoven’s ten fateful chords have never been so poignant…effortless style…a marvellous CD
Music Web International
Clarity is her watchword…voicing is faultless…a thoroughly engaging recital.
Yorkshire Post

SML MP21 – Beethoven, Brahms, Britten and Rawsthorne (Released November 2007)
Briggs is a fine artist and enterprising too…Her playing is accurate, with a fiery but well-disciplined intensity and with scrupulous attention to dynamics.
Sunday Telegraph
…stunningly well played and compellingly shaded…a dramatic insight and poetic flair that takes nothing for granted…
Classic FM Magazine

SML MP14 – Haydn to Bartok (Released November 2005)
A varied, generous programme of excellent pianism from performer and composers alike.
Music Web International
…the flow of her narrative is crystal clear, full of delightful touches (of Chopin Ballade no 4) – as is the whole disc.
York Press